What is Astrological Counseling?
Astrological counseling is therapeutic astrology—astrology that seeks to heal and empower through providing deeper levels of self-awareness and understanding of the meaning behind our experiences. When we come to understand the events in our lives not as random happenings, but as purposeful evolutionary cycles, we can work creatively with whatever life throws our way—even our most challenging lessons and tasks.
Astrological Counseling Brings Your Life into Sharper Focus
As an evolutionary astrologer, I approach astrology through a psychological and spiritual lens. There is meaningful purpose behind every symbol in your birthchart, behind every part of who you are, and behind every experience you have. My goal is to empower you with self-awareness, bring your path into clearer focus, and inspire commitment to your own potentials.
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash.
My primary question when looking at a birth chart is, “What did this person come here to learn?” Your birth chart as a map of your Soul, a blueprint of your chosen spiritual lessons for this lifetime. Evolutionary astrology emphasizes choice and can help you understand where to focus your energy in order to maximize your own evolutionary momentum. Your birth chart reveals both your highest, most conscious potentials, as well as your lowest, most unconscious possibilities. What each of us choose to do with the energies we are given in this lifetime is completely up to us. Understanding your birth chart can help you play a more conscious and active role in the unfolding of your path.
Astrological Counseling with Me
My style of reading is down-to-earth, sincere, and practical. I aim to connect the spiritual insights available through the astrological symbols in your chart with the tangible realities of your everyday life. Astrology can help us anticipate the quality of the moment in order to meet challenges strategically and consciously. No spiritual or psychological problem is ever healed until it is recognized—astrology helps us bring our patterns into conscious awareness, giving us agency, choice, and freedom to be active participants in our personal evolution.
Photo by Allie Clarke Photography.
Photo by Steven Aguilar on Unsplash.
Astrology is a symbolic language that helps us understand ourselves and how we fit into the larger order of things.
Read more about my astrology offerings, here.
I always want to have a brief conversation with you before we schedule your astrology reading to make sure we’re a good fit to work together. Therefore, in order to book a reading please schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation via the button at the bottom of the page, or any of the other buttons throughout the website. If you have any issues, feel free to contact me via email at maggie@maggiejonesboyle.com
Evolutionary astrology operates under the assumption that we incarnate into our lives in order to learn and evolve. As an evolutionary astrologer, I am interested in not only describing your personality, but also looking at why you chose to incarnate with the energies you did. For example, why is your Sun in Sagittarius and how does this energy serve your highest potentials in this lifetime?
We are always co-creating with the archetypal energies symbolized in our charts. The more aware we are of what we’re working with, the more consciously we can participate in the unfolding of our soul’s evolution.
No, astrology is not a religion. Astrology is a symbolic language that is based on the premise that there is a synchronistic relationship between that which is within us and that which is outside of us. The planetary positions are thought to reflect life on earth; “As above, so below.” I practice Western or Tropical Astrology which is based on the variations of seasonal light. You don’t need to believe in astrology for it be useful to you.
The symbols in the birth chart represent archetypal fields of probability. So, while we can discuss the energies at play and how to work with them consciously in order to tip the scales toward more desirable outcomes, we cannot predict exactly what will happen just by looking at astrological charts.
Astrology is most accurate at reflecting our experience on the spiritual and developmental level, helping us to understand the meaning and growth potential underlying our experiences.