Meet Maggie
I became interested in astrology, tarot, and communicating with the invisible, energetic realms after a spontaneous spiritual awakening I had when I was 16 years old, but it wasn’t until facing the death of my young daughter, Olive, in 2014, that I began to take my study of astrology and tarot more seriously. I came to see in a very immediate way how astrology, and the understanding it offers of the evolutionary patterns underlying our experiences, helped me survive this catastrophic loss. It is my passion as a counseling astrologer to share with others the sense of groundedness, purpose, and resiliency that accompanies an understanding of the deep meaning intrinsic to our lives. Read more about astrological counseling and my approach to astrology.
I hold a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University and, alongside my astrological counseling practice, I maintain a private practice as a therapist. My home is on a small farm in Northeastern Kansas with my husband, youngest daughter, our cat Niko, three dogs, and a growing assortment of other animals.
Photo by Allie Clarke Photography.