Astrology Offerings

BOOKING A READING: To book a reading with me, please schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. I require a consultation before booking readings for a couple reasons: I want you to have the chance to ask any questions you have, and I want to make sure our communication styles jive. Buying a reading is a significant financial investment in yourself, and I want to make sure you are getting exactly what you need.

Natal Chart Reading

$250 - 50 minutes

An in-depth look at the energetic patterns that were present at the moment of your birth and how these patterns relate to who you are and your soul’s evolutionary intentions for this lifetime. This reading is for first time clients.

Topics that might be discussed in your initial birth chart analysis include:

  • emotional & mental predispositions, and the why behind them (why did your soul chose your unique personality?)

  • past lives/karmic patterns/ancestral lineage

  • current invitations from the universe — How can you consciously align yourself with the unfolding of your soul’s path in real time?

Photo by Farol 106 on Unsplash.

Child’s Natal Chart Reading

$250 - 50 minutes ( newborn - 14 years )

Our children have their own wants, needs, and spiritual curriculum. Looking at your child’s natal chart will help you understand them as a unique individual. We will discuss the energies and archetypes your child has come into this life to embody, what their soul’s purpose and intentions are, and how you can best support them to be in alignment with their truest Self.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

Relationship Reading

$325 - 50 minutes

A comparison of your birth chart with that of another person to see how your personalities and energies interact. I will also look at the chart of the relationship itself—what energies are created when the two of you come together? The more aware we are of the energies underlying our relationships, the more intentionally we can work with those energies.

Photo by Elizabeth Tsung on Unsplash.