What is a Birth Chart?
Photo by Lauren Ferstyl on Unsplash
**NOTE: The type of astrology I practice is Western or Tropical astrology, which is based on the variations of seasonal light. This is the kind of astrology I am referring to in my writing, unless otherwise specified.
What is Astrology?
Astrology is the art of reading the energetic and symbolic significance held in the positions of the planetary bodies from our specific vantage point on Earth. Because the Earth is in constant motion, the position of the planets changes slightly moment to moment. When an astrological chart is drawn up, or casted, it represents a snapshot of a moment in time. Astrology allows us to freeze time in order to take a closer look at its energetic quality.
What is a Birth Chart?
Astrological charts are symbolic maps of the sky at a certain point in time. There are many different types of charts in astrology— transit charts, progressions, synastry and composite charts, lunar return charts, solar return charts, and the list goes on. But birth charts, also known as natal charts, are the primary tool in evolutionary and psychological astrology.
Birth charts represent the energetic dynamics that were unfolding as we were born. Your time of birth is not random. Your soul chose that moment because the energetic quality was such that it resonated with who you intended to be in this lifetime. Our birth, our emergence into the world, our becoming is intrinsically connected with everything else that was simultaneously unfolding in that exact moment. And thanks to the natural law of synchronicity—As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without—the outer reality at the time of our birth is a perfect reflection of the inner reality of us.
We are part of the moment; the moment is part of us. This is why what’s happening with the planets “out there” have so much to tell us about the state of our internal “planets” (parts of our psyche). Our birth chart reveals how to be in alignment with our truest, most authentic self. It maps out the big existential questions we came here to grapple with, as well as what past life wounds we came here to heal.
The Symbols
A natal chart is a circle divided into twelve sections, called houses. The circle symbolically represents the sky and, as all circles do, contains 360 degrees. The planets are then mapped out onto the circle to indicate what zodiac sign and house they were in, as well as how many degrees apart they were from one another, at that particular moment in time.
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash
The language of astrology consists of four primary symbols: the planets, the zodiac signs, the houses, and the aspects. All of these symbols are archetypal in nature, which means that they represent broad categories of human experience that are universally understood across cultures. The planets represent parts of us, the signs represent different psychological motivations and agendas, the houses represent outward behavior, and the aspects represent how the parts of us (planets) are relating to one another.
A Map of the Soul
As an evolutionary astrologer I view the birth chart as a blueprint of the soul’s evolutionary intentions in this lifetime. The birth chart can answer questions such as, “What spiritual lessons did I come here to learn?”... “How can I feel most comfortable in my own skin?”... “To what values do I need to be true in order to feel a sense of purpose and “rightness” in my life?”... “What are my biases and shadow sides to be aware of?”
The birth chart is a treasure trove of information. It is a portal into the unseen, energetic realms. Becoming familiar with our natal chart helps us organize and bring into conscious awareness our internal experience. It helps us understand and ground into our purpose. It tell us what questions we need to be asking in order to stay on track with our spiritual development.
Exercise Caution with Pop Astrology
Photo by Tiffany Combs on Unsplash.
Each birth chart is unique, but beyond that, each person’s response to their birth chart is unique. The energies in our birth chart require our conscious participation in order to unfold.
Pop astrology takes the complex language and intuitive art of astrology, and in an effort to produce something easily accessible to the masses, simplifies it to the point where it's literally unrecognizable.
There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” astrological sign, or birth chart. Every sign, and every astrological placement has a high, conscious response and a low, unconscious response, and infinite shades of gray in between.
No one can tell by looking at a birth chart if a person has responded in a conscious way or an unconscious way to the energies they are working with in this lifetime. The only way to know this is by talking to said person. How self-aware are they?
If an astrologer, or something you read on the internet, tells you that you're doomed to be alone forever because your Venus is “debilitated” and you have Saturn in the 7th house—or any other equally definitive and sweeping statement about how you life must look due to the placements in your natal chart—cut your losses and get out of there, FAST. That’s lazy, bad astrology.
Meet Maggie
Photo by Allie Clarke Photography
Maggie is a counseling astrologer and modern mystic whose approach is therapeutic and psychological. She views the natal chart as a map of the soul, and loves helping others understand the intelligent evolutionary processes at work behind their life experiences. In addition to astrology readings, Maggie also offers tarot readings.
If you would like more information, or would like to schedule a reading with Maggie, book a free 15 minute phone consultation today.
Other Services Offered by Maggie
Maggie is also a licensed therapist in the state of Kansas, specializing in therapy for anxiety, therapy for low self-esteem, therapy for codependency, therapy for highly sensitive people, and grief and bereavement counseling.
Through counseling Maggie helps people overcome shame and the fear of being their true selves. Breaking the cycles of people-pleasing and self-abandonment is possible, and she’s here to help. Maggie offers online therapy throughout the state of Kansas.
Reach out today to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation, she’d love to hear from you!