What is Synchronicity?: The Astrology-Synchronicity Connection
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What is Synchronicity?
In order to understand astrology and/or tarot, one has to understand the idea of synchronicity. Astrology, tarot, the runes, and any other form of divination is simply synchronicity in action. As above, so below. As within, so without.
Synchronicity, a concept that was established and studied by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, can be defined simply as the strong parallels between our internal world and the external world that are unmistakably imbued with meaning and significance.
We’ve all had experiences of synchronicity—you’re thinking about someone, and then mysteriously that person happens to text you, or a certain topic is on your mind, and then suddenly it's showing up everywhere you go.
How can we recognize the difference between synchronicity and simple random coincidence? The way it feels. If it registers as meaningful to your body/psyche/intuition, then it’s likely synchronistic.
The Universe in Non-Linear
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash.
When we experience synchronicity, it forces us to confront the fact that not all phenomena can be explained through a linear, cause and effect paradigm. Everything is connected to everything else in one giant energetic web. We are a part of this interconnected web, and as such, our inner world is intrinsically connected to our outer world.
Astrology brings this reality front and center. Our rational minds and modern science are baffled by (in denial of) the acausal connection between the planets in the sky, the events on Earth, and the subjective experiences of our internal worlds. But just because something forces us to expand our perception of how things work, and sit with the natural discomfort that arises with that, doesn’t make it wrong. Embracing the unknown, embracing the mystery, is part of the practice of being alive.
A Metaphor for Synchronicity
A useful metaphor for understanding how synchronicity works is the fractal. If you’ve never seen a fractal, I highly recommend giving it a Google. Fractals are never-ending patterns that are self-similar across varying scales. Intricate, microscopic patterns nested inside ever larger patterns of the same complex design, repeating over and over again.
It’s the same for us. In keeping with this metaphor, we are tiny fractals nested in, and part of, a much bigger picture that, from our viewpoint, is impossible for us to see. Astrology and tarot are tools for helping access a bird’s eye view of the bigger spiritual picture of which we are part.
Synchronicity of Mind, Body, and Spirit
At any given time there are numerous layers of experience taking place simultaneously. There is our external reality— the events that make up our biography, our objective experiences out in the world that others can see. These are things that we perceive as happening to us.
Photo by Woody Van Der Straeten on Unsplash.
Then there is the psychological level of experience. This layer is internal, and includes our personality, our ego structure, our self-concept, our thoughts, and our emotions. And the third and final layer is the spiritual level, which is about understanding the meaning behind our experiences; standing outside ourselves, and grasping the patterns of our lives.
All of these levels can be (loosley) conceptualized as nested inside one another. Our spirituality can be thought of—for the sake of this metaphor—as housed within us, alongside our personality and ego structure, while we are housed within the greater physical world of which we are a part. And much like the parts of a fractal, all of these layers of experience mirror one another exactly—they are “self-similar.” This is just another way of saying “our mind, body, and spirit are all connected.”
Astrology and Synchronicity
As evolutionary astrologer Steven Forrest says, “Above all, astrology is the study of meaning.” Astrology was born out of the recognition that observing the patterns in the natural, physical world (the planets) can provide information about all the layers of reality that are unfolding simultaneously—including the internal world of humans. Astrology recognizes that there is an innate intelligence that surrounds us, resides within us, and intimately connects us with the rest of the Universe. This intelligence is often referred to as “synchronicity;” whatever is happening “out there,” is happening inside of us as well.
Interested in Having Your Natal Chart Read?
Maggie is a counseling astrologer and modern mystic whose approach is therapeutic and psychological. She views the natal chart as a map of the soul, and loves helping others understand the intelligent evolutionary processes at work behind their life experiences. In addition to astrology readings, Maggie also offers tarot readings.
If you would like more information, or would like to schedule a reading with Maggie, book a free 15 minute phone consultation today.
Other Services Offered by Maggie
Maggie is also a therapist in the state of Kansas, specializing in therapy for anxiety, therapy for low self-esteem, therapy for codependency, therapy for highly sensitive people, and grief and bereavement counseling.
Through counseling Maggie helps people overcome shame and the fear of being their true selves. Breaking the cycles of people-pleasing and self-abandonment is possible, and she’s here to help. Maggie offers online therapy throughout the state of Kansas.
Reach out today to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation, she’d love to hear from you!