What is Astrology and How Does it Work?
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.
**NOTE: The type of astrology I practice is Western or Tropical astrology, which is based on the variations of seasonal light. This is the kind of astrology I am referring to in my writing, unless otherwise specified.
Astrology is a Symbolic Language
Astrology is a symbolic language based on the premise that there is a natural synchronicity that exists between what is happening in the cosmos and what is happening on Earth; “As Above, So Below.” Astrologers can “read” and understand the energetic quality of a moment in time by drawing up a chart mapping the location of the planets in the sky at that moment.
A birth chart, also known as a natal chart, is a map of the sky at the time of your birth. By reading your natal chart, I am able to get a pulse on the energetic dynamics and the primary archetypes that were present when you were born. What we see in the sky when you were born has an energetic resonance with your internal wiring, your psychology. Studying our birth chart is a way of gaining a wider perspective and awareness of ourselves and our purpose in life.
How Does Astrology Work?
Archetypal astrologer and author, Laurence Hillman likens the planets in the sky to the actors on a stage. At any given moment there are a number of complex relational dynamics happening between actors during a play—there may be a violent duel happening on stage right, while two other actors are simultaneously embracing tenderly on a stage left.
Photo by Natalie Rhea on Unsplash.
If we could look down onto that stage from a bird's eye view and freeze that moment in time, we’d have a grasp on the energetic quality of that moment: The two dueling characters are in tension, while the two others are experiencing harmony.
A birth chart does the same thing with the planets—it tells us what planets were “getting along” (trines and sextiles) and what planets weren’t (oppositions and squares) at the moment of your birth. It helps us capture the energetic essence of that moment, and as a natural extension, the energetic essence of you.
Understanding the relationship between the planets in our birth chart can help us understand our own internal experience more clearly. What parts of me are at odds and require creative compromise? What parts of me get along great, and therefore hold potential talent, if intentionally developed?
The Astrological Symbols
The primary symbols that make up the astrological language are: zodiac signs, planets, houses, and aspects.
The Planets
The planets represent different parts of us that carry out certain psychological functions. For example, the Sun represents our core self or our Ego structure, while the Moon represents our deepest emotional needs and our unconscious assumptions about the world, Mercury represents how we think and how we communicate, and so on. Understanding how these different parts of us relate to one another is useful because it helps us understand ourselves more deeply, which allows for more awareness and intentionality in our lives.
The Signs
There are a number of ways to conceptualize the zodiac signs, but as an evolutionary astrologer, I interpret the zodiac signs as evolutionary strategies. Each sign represents a specific archetypal symbol and energy, and each of these archetypes contains a unique approach to life, natural resources to draw on, and a shadow side if expressed in an unconscious manner.
For example, Scorpio’s evolutionary strategy is to face the darker side of life (the taboo, the unconscious) head-on with intensity and unflinching courage; Sagittarius’ strategy is to gather information through new experiences in order to ultimately gain wisdom and understand the meaning of life.
The more aware we are of the archetypes we are working with in this lifetime, the more consciously we can express and embody those energies.
The Houses
Birth charts are divided into twelve sections, called houses. Each house represents a different area of life. Looking at what houses are dominant (contain planets) at the time of birth allows us to decipher the areas of life where your biggest lessons and learning will unfold.
Birth charts are circular and are broken up into 360 degrees. Aspects are the number of degrees between planets. The aspects tell us about how the planets (parts of our psyche) are relating to each other in that moment, and are generally separated into two camps: “easy,” or flowing, aspects and “challenging,” or dynamic, aspects.
Photo by Filip Kominik
When planets are in a flowing aspect that means their energy aligns easily—essentially, those parts of us are in agreement about what is important and how to get what we need. When planets form a dynamic aspect, that means the energy between the two planets is in tension or friction—they don’t see eye-to-eye.
The major dynamic/challenging aspects are the square (90 degrees) and the opposition (180 degrees). The major flowing/easy aspects are the trine (120 degrees) and sextile (60 degrees).
Put all these pieces together and you can start forming the “sentences” that make up the astrological language!
Interested in Having Your Natal Chart Read?
Maggie is a counseling astrologer whose approach is therapeutic and psychological. She views the natal chart as a map of the soul, and loves helping others understand the intelligent evolutionary processes at work behind their life experiences. In addition to astrology readings, Maggie also offers tarot readings.
If you would like more information, or would like to schedule a reading with Maggie, book a free 15 minute phone consultation today.
Other Services Offered by Maggie
Maggie is also a therapist in the state of Kansas, specializing in therapy for anxiety, therapy for low self-esteem, therapy for codependency, therapy for highly sensitive people, and grief and bereavement counseling.
Through counseling Maggie helps people overcome shame and the fear of being their true selves. Breaking the cycles of people-pleasing and self-abandonment is possible, and she’s here to help. Maggie offers online therapy throughout the state of Kansas.
Reach out today to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation, she’d love to hear from you!