What is Synchronicity?: The Astrology-Synchronicity Connection
What is synchronicity, and what does it have to do with astrology? Learn about what synchronicity is, how it works, why it’s important.

What is Astrology and How Does it Work?
Astrology is a symbolic language based on the premise that there is a natural synchronicity that exists between what is happening in the cosmos and what is happening on Earth; “As Above, So Below.” Astrologers can “read” and understand the energetic quality of a moment in time by drawing up a chart mapping the location of the planets in the sky at that moment.

Your Rising Sign: The Role of the Ascendant in the Birth Chart
Did you know that you can under-express or over-express your Rising Sign, or actually any part of your birth chart?
It’s a widely held misconception that the natal chart is simply a description of our personality, but it’s more complex than that. Learn more about the role of the Rising Sign in your life and how to work with it.